Tuesday, 13 September 2016

See Why You Shouldnt Eat OKRO

Okro, also known as the "ladies finger" is a flowering plant in the mallow family. it is very nutritious as it is highly rich in carbohydrate, vitamins, water, and protein.
Okra and okra seeds contain trace amounts of
gossypol, a polyphenolic aldehyde with male
contraceptive properties that is also found in higher
concentrations in cottonseed. The amounts present
in okra seeds are too low to have any noticeable
effect even if you ate an enormous amount in one

Concentrated gossypol tablets have been tested as a
male contraceptive but generally found to be too
dangerous. There isn't a big difference between the
dosage of gossypol required for temporary
contraception and dosages that cause permanant
sterility, potassium deficiency, and paralysis- and it
would be impossible to regulate this dosage if you're
eating unprocessed seeds.
In short, okra seeds are not an effective, safe or
reliable method of contraception.     "

Although, it is very nutritious, studies have shown that it may be dangerous to men as it can cause infertilty. Okro has aunique substance called "GOSSYPOL". Gossypol inhibits sperm production and motility by blocking several enzymews that are highly important in energy metabolism in sperm  and sperm producing cells.

Gossypol has been used as a male contraceptive for years in china. some clinical research were conducted in regards the effectiveness of gossypol as a contraceptive in 1986 and 1990 in china and Brazil respectively. The studies showed that gossypol lowered the number and motility of sperms and made small percentage of men infertile permanently.

Gossypol may also cause menstrual irregularity in women. it has also been linked to hypokalemia and also damage to red blood cells leading to heamolytic anaemia.

Conclusively, Okro in higher amount is not recommended in people with following conditions:

Anaemic people
Infertile men undergoing medical investigation and treatment.
women who complains of irregular menses.

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