What happened to Navy Seal Team 6 in 2011?
Article by: Raphael Sharp
Heard of Navy Seal Team 6? If not, then they were the ELITE team of US soldiers who reportedly killed Bin Laden in 2011 (And I’m really serious here when I say “ELITE”.) Those seals were among the best soldiers on Earth. Nice story till here. Here’s the undigested part of the story which many of you have missed: They are all dead. All 22 of them (21 killed in a so-called attack and another 1 killed in a so-called training accident)!
What really happened to Navy Seal Team 6? Were they killed on purpose to hide any specific secret? We’ll try to talk about this here. But before that, the usual “back in history” part.
A dozen years have passed since the 9-11 2001 terrorist attacks on the WTC. An event in history, which unfolded in front of dazed eyes all around the world, but little seems to have changed in the world since then, you feel. It is also more than two dozen-months since an elite American unit shot dead Obama in Pakistan (oops sorry, Omama it was Osama).
If you still can’t recollect the name, just remember an old bearded man in his late 60’s or 70’s was cornered in his bedroom, and shot while his very young 13th or 14th wife was a helpless onlooker. It is also coming to 2 dozen-months, when an old hazy news report about 21 soldiers of a decorated unit of the American army perishing in a Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan appeared: THEY WERE NAVY SEAL TEAM 6.
People have long stopped talking nineteen-to-a-dozen over the above incidents, but just as we remember our loved ones more during an anniversary, yet another anniversary of the 9/11 incident is a good time to keep remembering some of the unfortunate souls, who get caught up in these never ending war’s for no fault of theirs.
Start of the BUSHOBAMA Hunger Game
For the benefit of the Siberian wolf-boy, (discovered this week, having lived 16 yrs in a jungle away from civilization) and many more people like him, who have buried their heads in the sand for the last dozen years, here is a brief recap of the incidents, which happened at the dawn of the 21st century.
2001 September – Apocalypse at the WTC
As people switched on their TV sets one fine day in Sept to listen to the news (for a change, instead of soaping their eyes to another soap-opera), the unworldly image of 2 passenger airplanes crashing into the twin WTC buildings in New York brought out (Oh!My God, Hai Ram, Allah-o-Akbar,Oh Mon Dieu) expressions round the world. Reading the next day newspapers, you would have thought full-page ads of the American movies ‘Towering Inferno’ or ‘Apocalypse Now’ were being taken out in the front pages. Eventually about 5000 perished in that incident.

2001 October – The Bush and Bushes
‘You are with us or against us’ – a remark made by a Man who never hid behind bushes, certainly got every rabbit in Pakistan and Afghanistan running for cover under the bushes.
The Americans, believing that Osama bin Laden and his men were behind the 2001 attack, invaded Afghanistan, (Operation Enduring Freedom) which was under the control of a tribal regime called the Taliban. The Taliban (along with Osama) ran with their tail behind their legs. Afghanistan got a government friendly to the USA, but Enemy No 1 (Osama) was nowhere located.
2001 November onwards – Amazing Taliban?
The Taliban proved they were like a Sheesh-Nag (multi-headed serpant), you cut off one head, another pops out from some other hole as they dug in their heels and counter-attacked. How they keep getting people to fight when they are surrounded by the US and Afghanistan (and Pakistan army) is perplexing?
I guess, like rabbits when there’s nothing else to do in a war, they make love and ensuring their army of soldiers never dry up. I guess the sound of bullets in the background help certain white things find their target more easily as well. The count of the people killed in this conflict needs revision on a daily basis from 2001 November!
2011 May – Killing Bin Laden (Or simply ending a fake story)
As a star-gazer in Abbotabad Pakistan looked into the sky, a helicopter appeared from nowhere and landed in the compound of a very isolated bungalow. Gunshots were heard, screams were heard, the helicopter took off again and the next day newspapers were splashed with ‘America Got their Man’.
Osama bin Laden, just as it was coming to 10 years since 9/11 was finally discovered living in a posh house in Pakistan, while American soldiers were busy looking down every man-hole in Afghanistan. No one claimed credit for saying they shot Osama, but it appears US Vice President Biden (THE CLOWN) did praise the elite Navy Seal 6 unit for their bravery.
2011 August – Navy Seal Team 6 Down!

A Chinook helicopter on a routine flight transporting American soldiers was suddenly ambushed as it was landing. 21 soldiers of the crack Navy Seal unit, along with other American troops and 7 Afghanistan soldiers were killed. The rest of the world hardly remember this incident amidst the daily killings which happen all over the Middle-East, but in America this is still a touchy subject (Except for the Obamasies!)
The initial reports of the 2011 August incident was that there was a skirmish between the Taliban and the US troops and as a helicopter with some of the troops took off, a rocket fired by the Taliban appeared to have brought the Chinook down.
Conflicting reports after the report talked of a deliberate trap laid by the Taliban and the helicopter walked right into the path the Taliban wanted to take. An initial report by US CENTCOM in October 2011 announced an investigation and concluded that the Taliban brought down the helicopter in a normal skirmish. Still doubts remained and after reading transcripts of US army statements from August 2011, Republican Senator’s Jason Chaffetz and Darrel Isa have formally asked for a probe.
A report in the Washington Times, which recently appeared has brought back into limelight the plight of the unfortunate soldiers of the Navy Seal unit.
Were the Navy 6 Unit Deliberately Attacked
As per the report, written by Jeffrey T.Kuhner, a radio commentator the new investigation opened in the US Senate should look at the angle that there was a conspiracy hatched specifically aimed at the Navy 6 unit, because of their link to the April 2011 attack, which killed Osama bin Laden.
In the article, he questions how did the Navy 6 unit come into world focus. On the day of Osama’s killing, all the world knew was America killed Osama. But a few days after the attack, Vice-President Joe Biden appeared to gloat too much (reference to spike the ball, a phrase in American football when a player celebrates over-the-top) and highlighted the first reference to the Navy 6 unit. Even a primary kid just learning to read articles would have put two and two together and surmised that it was the Navy 6 unit which was responsible for the Abbotabad surprise operation.
The article states that Biden’s reckless remark, as well as subsequent confirmation from President Obama, brought the Seal 6 straight into the spotlight of the Taliban and their sympathizers. The Taliban were obviously not going to garland the team, if they were in the same room together. The unwarranted attention unnerved all members of the Navy Seal 6 (even those who did not take part in the attack). Some of them immediately contacted their family members back home, asking them to remove any reference to Navy 6 from their social-media sites, like Face Book. An interview with Karen Vaughn (mother of Aaron Vaughn, who died in the Chinook attack) has the following quotes.
““Aaron called me and said, ‘Mom, you and Dad have to take everything down. Biden has just put a huge target on everybody.’”
The report goes on to discuss Vice-President Joe Biden, who most reporters affectionately term as Uncle Joe (a reference to the silly gaffe’s everyone’s old Uncle Joe makes).
Why does America always get Presidents with silly Uncle Names: Uncle Sam, Uncle Joe, and Uncle George.
Aunties certainly liked Uncle Bill best, because he was the most playful of all the Uncles. However, this article does not paint silly Uncle Joe in that favorable a light. It paints VP Joe Biden as a cynical opportunist, who will say and do anything to advance President Obama’s agenda. They wanted to score political points by naming the Seals and placed them in the open.
The report also quotes Charles Stranger, another father whose son Michael died in the attack. These are his words:
“I saw Mike’s dead body, It was clearly recognizable. He was clutching his gun. He wasn’t burned to a crisp. Why did they cremate my boy? They did not need to do that. Something’s not right.”
These lines appear to contradict the CENTCOM report summary where the final verdict is the helicopter crashed after it came under fire, so implying the soldiers should have been charred to death.
What Can We Say: Little Dirty Secrets USA
We would first want to bow our heads silently acknowledging the brave 38 or so men who perished in the Chinook helicopter, as well as the scores of people who have been killed in this war starting from 2001.
Reading the events unfolding since 2001, 3 famous statements come to mind. You can drop us a comment later if you guessed who first made these comments. We may not make you a millionaire by your answers, but your reply in here on Island Crisis will acknowledge your sharp memory.
The first statement comes from physics – “To every action, there is an equally violent reaction”.
The second statement comes from a man, 2000 years ago – “If a man slaps your left cheek, turn the right cheek and see if he wants to do it again”.
The third statement comes from a man, 100 years ago – “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind”. We are not saying not to fight if attacked, but surely people in the higher offices of important.
In a nutshell, we are saying we do not want to spin any more conspiracy theories but then: we did not spin any of it. Anyone with a fair level of common sense will smell that something is fishy in all these so called accidents and coincidences.
Let the US Senate debate once more and come to conclusions. It does appear that the US Vice-President and President Ousama… opps sorry: Obama, may have made a mistake by naming the Seal 6 unit. But, whether it was done as part of a conspiracy is something only US politicians will know best.
We would like to add that this report appeared in the Washington Times, a conservative newspaper who are more likely going to publish favorable reports leaning towards the Republicans than the Democrats. Whatever points are scored in this debate, it is going to be harder to recruit strong men willing to sacrifice their lives for the country to join the Navy 6 elite unit.
But then, is it so? Politicians know the theory of: I piss on your face and let’s forget it.
Let us know what you think about the death of all Navy Seals Team 6 members. Do you too think it was a set up to HIDE any specific secret about the death of Bin Laden? Was Bin Laden even alive?
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